Rosatom enterprises took part in the All-Russian conference dedicated to developments in the field of chemistry and technology of functional materials - ВНИИХТ
Rosatom enterprises took part in the All-Russian conference dedicated to developments in the field of chemistry and technology of functional materials

Employees of a number of Rosatom enterprises took part in the IV All-Russian Conference with international participation “Research and development in the field of chemistry and technology of functional materials”, which ended on April 21 in Apatity, Murmansk region. The event was dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Materials. I.V. Tananaev and dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The topics of the scientific program included the prospects for the development of the raw material base and the complex processing of raw materials to obtain materials for various purposes, the improvement of metallurgical and hydrometallurgical processes, the study of the synthesis, properties and application of functional materials. A separate series of reports of the conference was devoted to the technology of building materials, recycling of waste from the processing of mineral raw materials and the ecology of new technological processes.

More than 150 representatives of institutions and enterprises from Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, etc. became participants of the conference.

The reports were presented by specialists of the VNIIHT named after B.N. Laskorina (part of the scientific division of Rosatom). Yulia Sokolova, Scientific Director of the Laboratory for the Processing of Technogenic Raw Materials, spoke about the studies of cathode materials of used lithium-ion batteries. Based on the data obtained, the institute team proposed a scheme for processing cathode materials to obtain compounds of lithium, cobalt, nickel, manganese and graphite.

Ekaterina Solntseva, Head of the Laboratory of Metallurgical Processes, and Valentin Menshikov, a researcher at the same department, focused on the need to create beryllium production in Russia in order to minimize the country’s dependence on beryllium products from abroad. Specialists proposed a technology for chemical enrichment of substandard beryllium flotation concentrate to obtain a premium grade concentrate. This method facilitates the further processing of beryllium, and will also allow poor beryllium ores to be involved in processing. At the same time, almost all operations of the technological cycle are carried out in a continuous mode, which makes it possible to automate the production of beryllium hydroxide, minimize the contact of personnel with these products and significantly improve working conditions. “Today, the development of science-intensive industries is closely related to the search for new promising and expansion of existing raw materials sources of lithium and beryllium, which emphasizes the relevance of research by employees of the VNIIHT laboratories in the production of light rare metals,” said Valentin Menshikov.

Employees of RFNC-VNIIEF also presented several works devoted to the study of the properties of highly dispersed zirconium powder, which were carried out in KB-1, including in cooperation with other enterprises of the Russian Federation. Senior Researcher Ildar Kashafdinov presented a report on the topic “Applied Materials Science of Zirconium Powders”, Leading Research Engineer Irina Tsareva – “Study of the Processes of Aggregation and Deaggregation of Fine Zirconium Powder Particles” and Research Engineer Anastasia Selezneva – “Determination of the specific surface area of zirconium powders by low-temperature adsorption nitrogen.” The reports aroused great interest and active discussion.