Directions of scientific research:
- development of technologies for underground and heap leaching of uranium, gold, copper, manganese and other elements from objects recognized as unprofitable for traditional mining methods;
- preparation of business plans and initial data for the design of enterprises for the extraction of radioactive, rare, precious and other metals by means of underground and heap leaching;
- assessment of the possibility of developing technologically out-of-balance deposits using geotechnological methods with substantiation of conditions for calculating reserves;
- development of recommendations and technical solutions for existing mining enterprises to increase productivity and reduce the cost of final products using geotechnological methods;
- development of technological regulations and issuance of technical specifications for the design of circuits:
– cyanide-free mining of flooded gold placers by in-situ leaching;
– sulfuric acid leaching of uranium from flooded unlithified rocks;
– extraction of copper, manganese, aluminum and other metals from poor and poor ores not involved in modern processing;
– heap leaching of gold.
With the participation of employees of the department, 19 uranium deposits operated by industrial plants of the nuclear industry were involved in the development of underground leaching. Currently, technologies developed in the department are used to produce uranium at 4 enterprises in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan.
3 gold mining enterprises in Russia operate using the technology of heap and underground leaching.
Technologically out-of-balance ores and dumps of mineralized rocks remain constant objects of research; tailings and products of technological processing of ores from operating mining and processing enterprises; natural, underground and mine waters with an abnormally high content of useful components; deposits occurring in difficult mining and geological conditions, the development of which by traditional methods is unprofitable.
Experimental base
The department has modern analytical equipment, two equipped laboratory test benches (according to cyanide and acid leaching schemes), a unique information technology database.