Conference "Young scientists and specialists of the nuclear industry 2015" - ВНИИХТ
Conference “Young scientists and specialists of the nuclear industry 2015”

Dear Colleagues!

On May 26-27, 2015 JSC VNIIHT (Moscow) hosts a scientific and technical conference of young scientists and specialists from nuclear industry enterprises and a competition of works within the framework of the conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a scientist-chemist, Boris Nikolaevich Laskorin, who worked at JSC VNIIKhT for many years.

The purpose of the conference is to strengthen scientific ties among young scientists and specialists of nuclear industry enterprises, exchange best practices on the development of various technologies of participating enterprises, and also draw attention to the problems of young scientists and specialists of enterprises.

The topics of the competition and conference are as follows:

  • Geology, mineralogy of deposits of rare, scattered and radioactive elements.
  • Technologies of underground, block and heap leaching.
  • Technologies for obtaining ore concentrates of rare, trace and radioactive elements.
  • Technologies for processing ore concentrates to chemical concentrates.
  • Sorption, extraction methods for extracting valuable components from technological solutions, including HP and CM.
  • Radiochemistry and technologies of the nuclear fuel cycle.
  • LRW processing and SRW conditioning.
  • Purification of air-gas and water flows from VCM and radionuclides.
  • Technologies and equipment for obtaining structural nuclear-pure substances and materials with specified physical and chemical properties for the nuclear industry, the defense
  • complex and the national economy.
  • Analytical support of technological works.
  • Core and non-core topics of interest to nuclear industry enterprises.

Young scientists and specialists not older than 35 years old on April 30, 2015 are invited to participate in the competition and the conference. Conference proceedings will be published.

Registration fees of participants are not provided.

We invite young scientists and specialists of your enterprise to take an active part in the competition and scientific and technical conference and send their reports without co-authors, prepared in the Word editor, Times New Roman font, 14 nm., Single spacing, sheet format – A4, all margins – 2cm , no more than 10 pages, and abstracts of reports no more than one page. Directly at the speaker’s speech, d.b. presentation on the report on an electronic flash drive, prepared in MS PowerPoint format. With the materials it is necessary to submit a conclusion for information exchange.

By April 30, 2015, the authors are requested to send electronic versions of the abstracts and the reports themselves, as well as the completed registration form of the participant, to the e-mail address for Alexey Gnezdov, worker. tel.: 8(499)324-61-05.




MAY 26, 2015, TUESDAY, 1st day of the conference


10.00 – 10.10. OPENING OF THE CONFERENCE – Director of JSC “VNIIKhT” A.V. Egorov, Candidate of Chemical Sciences


10.10 – 10.20 – speech by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences I.G. Tananaev

“On the role of B.N. Laskorin and his school in the development of modern chemical technology”


10.20-10.30 – speech by the head of laboratory “G” of JSC “VNIIKhT”, Ph.D. T.V. Molchanova

“B.N.L. Askorin – scientist, organizer of science and production”


10.30 – 10.40 – speech by the leading researcher, Ph.D. N.M. Meshcheryakova IAC JSC “VNIIKhT”

“On the history and continuity of the developments of B.N. Laskorin”


10.40 – 11.00. Mainikov Dmitry Vyacheslavovich, lab. V, JSC “VNIIKhT” senior researcher

Influence of a dense layer on the process of separating sands and washing off valuable soluble components in a column apparatus with pulsating mixing


11.00 -11.20. Abutalipov Roman Arturovich (Eng.), Polyantsev Sergey Sergeevich (Chief Specialist) VNIIAES JSC

Methodological support for monitoring the internal exposure of personnel in the event of a radiation accident at the NPP of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC


11.20-11.40. Nesterov Konstantin Nikolaevich, Lab. V, JSC “VNIIKhT” p. researcher, Ph.D.

Method for hydrometallurgical processing of oxidized manganese ores


11.40 – 12.00. Stefanovsky Dmitry Valerievich, Federal State Unitary Enterprise “NII NPO Luch”, engineer-technologist.

Extraction of uranium from uranium production waste with a high silicon content

12.00-12.20. Krokhin Maxim Nikolaevich, IAC, JSC “VNIIKhT”, researcher

Potentiometric determination of uranium and vanadium in technological solutions

12.20-12.40. Klevtsov Egor Vladimirovich, JSC “Siberian Chemical Combine”, engineer. shop number 40

The use of membrane technologies in conditions of alternating asymmetric current for the processing of liquid radioactive waste


12.40 – 13.00. Demidov Kirill Mikhailovich, lab. PV, JSC “VNIIKhT” senior researcher

Methodological support of experimental work at the Khokhlovskoye field


13.00-14.00 Lunch break


14.00-14.20. Mitrofanova Ekaterina Sergeevna, Faculty of Inorganic Materials, Moscow State University, 1st year postgraduate student.

Co-authors: Lagunov S.S. (NRNU MEPhI), Kuryleva Yu.N. (FGBOU VPO “Chelyabinsk State University”)

Analysis of experiments on the implementation of “low-energy nuclear reactions (NNR) and the search for the possibility of their implementation


14.20 – 14.40. Strelnikova Alexandra Mikhailovna,


Extractive extraction of cesium with crown ethers in the presence of activating additives


14.40 – 15.00. Samigullina Liliya Varisovna JSC “Institute of Reactor Materials”, engineer 2k

Co-authors: Lushnikova M.V., Durnitsyna E.A., Patokina O.S. – All IRM JSC

Experience in converting mixed-bed filters of the IYAR IVV-2M primary coolant purification system to PUROLITE grade ion exchangers


15.00 – 15.20. Zavarzin Semyon Vitalievich, lab. VCHE, junior researcher

Study of the processes of corrosion and dissolution of intermetallic compounds UPd3 and URu3 in aqueous solutions of sulfuric acid


15.20 – 16.00 End of the 1st day of the meeting.


16.00 – Visit to the opening in June 2015. “Streets named after Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Boris Nikolaevich Laskorin” near the recreation center “Moskvorechye”.


May 27, 2015, WEDNESDAY, 10-00, MKZ JSC “VNIIKhT”, 2nd day of the conference


10.00 – 10.20. Zakharov Andrey Alexandrovich, Lab. K-2, JSC “VNIIKhT” eng.

Estimation of the fundamental possibility of obtaining the total REM concentrate from TPP ash and slag


10.20 – 10.40. Zvonareva Maria Evgenievna, Lab. K-2, JSC “VNIIKhT”eng.

Study on the processing of LRW within the framework of the project “Creation of a modular plant for the processing of secondary liquid radioactive waste,

formed during the operation of the center for conditioning and long-term storage of radioactive waste in the area of the settlement Saida Guba


10.40 – 11.00. Velichkina Natalya Sergeevna, Lab. K-2, JSC “VNIIKhT”

Investigation of the processes of iodine regeneration from gas flows and waste mother liquors during iodide refining of zirconium


11.00 – 11.20. Fedorova Daria Vladimirovna, laboratory D-1, VNIIHT JSC, engineer

Development of technology for the conversion of DUHF using hydrogen plasma of an electric arc discharge


11.20 – 11.40. Shchepin Andrey Stanislavovich, Lab. D-3, JSC “VNIIKhT”, junior researcher

The process of handling fuel rod cladding CMs by induction-slag remelting in a cold crucible


11.40 – 12.00. Rozhkov Sergey Sergeevich, lab. PV, JSC “VNIIKhT”eng.


Results of static leaching to determine the geotechnological parameters of ores


12.00-12.20 Radushinsky Stanislav Micheslavovich, lab.V, JSC “VNIIKhT” head of the autoclave group


Processing of complex ores to obtain scandium, phosphorus, REE and uranium


12.20-12.40 Andrey Mikhailovich Koshcheev, JSC “VNIIKhT”


The process of HLW immobilization after hydrometallurgical processing of SNF into stable matrices


12.40-14.00 End of the 2nd day of the conference. Closing of the conference.


May 27, 2015, 15-00, Wednesday, MKZ

Summing up and awarding the winners of the conference