Directions of Activity:
- Development of comprehensive flow diagrams for the enrichment of radioactive, rare, non-ferrous and precious metal ores;
- Evaluation of the physico-mechanical properties and grinding properties of ores and materials with standard methods (ball milling) and “Cascade” type autogenous milling units, jet-type, centrifugal or impact grinding;
- Evaluation of the efficiency of ore dressing by automatic sorting methods: radiometric, photoneutron, X-ray radiometric ones;
- Evaluation of ore gravitational dressing using modern laboratory apparatuses, including centrifugal concentrators, table concentrators, screw-type separators;
- Investigation of the flotation concentration of mineral raw materials with present-day reagents;
- Magnetic ore dressing with highly intensive separators;
- Calculation of the expected parameters of technological processes with recommendations for a choice of industrial equipment, issue of initial data for designing industrial enterprises.
The Department’s technological developments were used during the construction of uranium, rare metal and gold-mining enterprises in Russia, the CIS countries and Eastern Europe countries.
Up-to-date technologies were developed for ore preparation and concentration of uranium, gold-bearing placers and hard rock ores, non-ferrous and rare metal ores (zirconium, tantalum, niobium, hafnium, etc.), including rebellious sulphide ores of a complex mineral composition, as well as mining chemistry materials and technogenic wastes.
Experimental base
The department has a full complex of equipment for grinding, flotation, gravitation and magnetic separation which allows to process in a continuous closed cycle raw material ores in the amount of up to several tons and to produce pilot batches of products for further investigations.