1 Date and time of the seminar: 06/28/2016 from 10:00 to 13:00
Venue of the seminar: Moscow, st. Kashirskoe shosse, 33, bldg. 29, room. 25, Small conference hall of JSC VNIIKhT
№, |
p/n Title of report Speaker Time 1 Opening speech Ivakin A.V., Ananiev. A.V.5 min2 Technology for obtaining individual rare earth elements (REE) from the total concentrate isolated from monazite, based on domestic extractantsKosynkin V.D.15 min3 Features of the organization (binding) of extraction cascades for the separation of REE
using IDDPA as an extractant. Selivanovsky A.K. 15 min 4 Extraction separation of the middle group of REE with an isomolar mixture of Aliquat-336-TBF from nitrate solutions Saveliev N.S.
(OOO “LIT” GK “Skygrad”) 15 min5 Technology for obtaining cerium dioxide from the RZK JSC “SMZ”, implemented on the equipment developed by GK “Skygrad” Gerya V.O. (OOO “LIT” GK “Skygrad”) 15 min 6 Extractive separation of the heavy group of REM (Ho, Dy, Er) by organophosphorus acids Giganov V.G. (Russian Chemical Technical University named after D.I. Mendeleev) 15 min 8 Discussion of the results of the seminar
30 min9 Coffee break
40 min
Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes